

Hi Bunkers!!

We are sure you have already heard at some point that a good Gin&Tonic is full of medicinal properties, and that´s quite right!

Do we know where those medicinal properties come from though? Does it come from the Gin or the Tonic water? The answer is both!

As we´ve already shown you at previous posts, Gin is born in Holland in 1550 thanks to Sylvius de la Boe, whose main goal was to create a remedy to help cleaning blood toxins, eliminate gallstones, cure kidney disorders and prevent gout attacks. The solution was found in the berries of the Juniper tree, which thanks to its potassium content, achieved these effects.


At that time, however, Gin hasn´t met any refreshing Tonic water yet. This bitter beverage has its roots in 1783, when Jacob Schweppe, a German jeweler settled in Geneva found out a way to create bottled sparkling water, which led afterward to fruit sodas. But it wasn´t until 1870 when Quinine was introduced into a sparkling orange soda, given the rise of the production of medicinal syrups. It was the birth of the first Tonic Water.

This Quinine would be responsible for providing the Tonic Water its characteristic bitterness, as well as providing its digestive properties. This compound, that was used to treat malaria, was already known by Native Americans who were aware of its energetic, antipyretic, antimalarial and analgesic properties.


Nonetheless, the amount of Quinine in Tonic water is nowadays insignificant due to a medical point of view, remaining only for its flavor.

Then, when was the time at which both medicines were mixed? Alright, it wasn´t until the XIX century, in the middle of the imperialist era, when both beverages came across for the first time, for which two versions are proposed.

  •  On the one hand, it is said that to celebrate the victories of British troops in India, a senior British official decided to combine Gin with Tonic, to create an alcoholic combination.
  •   On the other hand, there is another version, through which it is said that the British Army already gave quinine to their soldiers to cure malaria, but its taste was so bitter that swallowing it was very unpleasant. Therefore, the British Army began to mix the Tonic Water with Gin so that the soldiers could have Quinine more willingly. Be it as it may, the new beverage was so successful that it was taken to England, where it began taking hold and ended up

spreading out through the whole world. This way, what once was medicinal remedy has nowadays become one of the most popular refreshing drinks worldwide.


So there you go, Bunkers! The next time you enjoy a Bunker&Tonic with Friends, don´t hesitate to share this curiosity, that we hope you have enjoyed!

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