
Bunker Origen named Best Gin in Spain also in 2024

Bunker Origen nombrada Mejor Ginebra de España.

For the third time in our short history, BUNKER ORIGEN wins the Gold medal at the World Gin Awards

Once again, our gin BUNKER ORIGEN is crowned Best Gin in Spain 2024 at the World Gin Awards.


The World Gin Awards is the competition par excellence in the world of distillates that determines each year which is the best distillate of each country. After a strict blind tasting, on Thursday 18 January, they announced that our gin BUNKER ORIGEN is the Best Gin of Spain 2024.


Our gin from León has won this award for the second year in a row and for the third time in its history after also winning it in 2023 and 2021.


BUNKER ORIGEN thus qualifies to compete for the award of Best Gin in the World 2024, an award to which only the winners from each country are eligible and which will be decided on 22 February.



Enrique Lozano, Master Distiller of BUNKER DISTILLERY and formulator of the recipe for this successful gin, has established himself as one of the best in his field, as BUNKER ORIGEN has won 10 international awards.


Enrique Lozano and María Suárez, entrepreneurs and producers of BUNKER ORIGEN gin, are very excited about the news, as this is the third year that they have received such well-deserved recognition.



2024 Best Gin in Spain, at the World Gin Awards (London).

2023 Best Gin of Spain, at the World Gin Awards (London).

2021 Best Gin of Spain, at the World Gin Awards (London).

2019 Double gold medal at CWSA (Hong Kong).

2019 Silver medal at SFWSC (San Francisco).

2019 Silver medal at BISC (Berlin).

2018 Gold medal at CWSA (Hong Kong).

2018 Silver medal at ISC (England).

2018 Bronze medal at San Francisco WSC.

2018 Bronze medal at BISC (Berlin).



The award arrives at BUNKER DISTILLERY in the greatest moment. After inaugurating our new distillery facilities in León. In addition, we have recently launched a totally revolutionary new product on the market: BUNKER Vermouth, which includes the winning gin BUNKER ORIGEN.

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