

Bunker is my passion and my craze for capturing aromas and flavours.




Bunker Distillery was born in 2018 after 10 years of clandestine distillation.

It is the success of the truth, it is the passion of two madmen, María and Enrique, who left their life in Madrid to return to their hometown, León, to revolutionise the world of distillates.

To do so, they had previously travelled to Germany to invest all their money in copper and metal. Together with the best engineers in the sector, they designed "Cloe", a state-of-the-art still that would allow them to make distillates in their own way.

In January 2018, after two years immersed in the formulation of the recipe, Bunker Origen is released, a signature gin that perfectly reflects their BUNKER philosophy:

During the construction of a new space the city of León, and with their Bunker Classic gin about to see the light of day, the unexpected happened: Bunker Origen was awarded for the second time as the best gin in Spain in the year 2023.

They have recently inaugurated the new facilities, where you can see and feel its truth first hand, in the visits and in various tastings and events that Enrique and Maria do.

And after a frenetic year in which the new facilities were inaugurated just 5 minutes from León, Vermut BUNKER has arrived! After more than two years working on the recipe, the Master Distiller launched this new product that leaves no one indifferent.

The year 2024 has started in a big way for BUNKER DISTILLERY as BUNKER ORIGEN has been crowned again as Best Gin in Spain 2024, accumulating more than 10 international awards.

But that's not all! On the horizon, a whisky is brewing that has been maturing in secret, soon to reveal to the world its distilled perfection after long care and mystery!



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